You Can Still Use Your Remaining Kindle Vella Tokens to Read Mage in Love!

This is from Amazon’s latest message about Kindle Vella:

You can continue to use any remaining tokens to read published stories and episodes until the program winds down. All the stories and episodes you have read or unlocked with tokens will remain available in your library in the free Kindle app on iOS and Android after the program closes.

I can’t update the story on Vella any longer, but the story is ongoing, so use up those tokens if you want to read the chapters that are currently posted on Vella. I’ll be taking the story down soon, so don’t delay if you think you want to read the chapters before they come down.

Pretty soon, I’ll reach a nice break point in the story. I’m going to release that as volume one so anyone who wants it can get it, and then continue the story. It’s actually intended to be long, so I’ll probably end up with 4 volumes for it. That could change, but that’s what I see right now for it.

Of course, I intend to keep serializing the story on Laterpress at least until the end of volume one. I might keep it going there even once I start releasing the books. It’s not really possible for Vella readers to “catch up” at Laterpress and keep reading without paying for all the current chapters. But I’m looking at my options. Maybe I’ll post it here on the site, chapter by chapter and give Patreon supporters access, or I’ll post it on Patreon directly. I haven’t decided. But that’s an option I’m considering. You can let me know if you’d like that! :)

Here’s the direct link to the story on Vella:

The latest info about the story is always going to be found on the page for it here: Mage in Love.

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