When Is Gerald’s Lot Coming?

So when is Gerald’s Lot coming? January 2017. I’d hoped for December but it’s just not going to happen unless there’s some kind of Christmas miracle around here, so I’m sorry about that!

However, barring some kind of true disaster, Gerald’s Lot will definitely be a January release, so there’s that!

As soon as the cover is ready and I have an official January release date, I’ll post them. :)

9 thoughts on “When Is Gerald’s Lot Coming?

    1. Odessa Post author

      A little closer to the end of the month. Got sick just after Christmas and it’s put me behind but no worries, I’m still expecting a January release! :)

    1. Odessa Post author

      Happy New Year to you too! It’ll be a little closer to the end of the month, because I got sick just after Christmas and it’s put me behind. But I’m still expecting a January release, just not as early as I’d hoped! :)

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