What I’m working on—July 2019

First, if you missed it, Will’s Hope is out! It’s the latest Wolves’ Heat book and it’s one long damn book. :D If you didn’t miss it and you picked up a copy, thank you so much! I really hope you liked it as much I do, despite how crazy long it is. :)

Also, the 11th R’H’ani story came out in June, One to Tame, just in case you missed that one! This is a series that’s just moving right along. I love the stories and doubt I’ll ever stop writing them. It’s a series of hot, hot, hot romance set in a world that doesn’t really do monogamy so the guys get to play around a lot in ways they wouldn’t in a different world. :-)

I think I’ve said before that I do usually work on more than one story at a time. It’s just the way my creative process works. When one thing needs mulling time, I move on to another for a while. At the moment, I’m working on the next two R’H’ani Chronicles stories, volumes 12 & 13 while Of Relations and Ships rests for a bit. That book is still probably going to be my next novel release. It’s much closer to being finished than anything else I have.

As for the R’H’ani stories, one of those stories has a title and the other doesn’t. The funny thing is that the title for the 13th story was supposed to be the title for the 12th, but it just didn’t feel right to me, and then as I was writing on the 13th, I realized that was the story that title went with. So the 12th story remains untitled at this point. I just haven’t come up with anything that fits it yet, so I can’t really talk about it by name. But both stories are really close to finished at this point, and I’m hoping they’ll be out by the end of the month. So yay for that!

The next Wolves’ Heat book is fluttering around in my brain, and I’m thinking I might be able to get it written within a six month window of the release of Will’s Hope. Maybe. Assuming it doesn’t turn into a ridiculously long book like Will’s Hope did. :D

I much prefer to write shorter, but I always let the story decide for me what length it needs.

One big project I’ve been tinkering with is a set of maps for the New Canton Republic, Hend & Yurt, and Wolves’ Heat books. This is a project that’s probably going to take a good long while to come to fruition but I’m pretty set on the idea. I love maps. And of course they’ll be going in the front of the books, if this happens.

Finally, unless something happens to derail my plans, I will be releasing The King’s Deception and Taken with Tony in 2019. Not sure when, yet, but I’m working on them and I am feeling confident that I’ll get them finished up this year.