Update: Matthew’s Chance Coming 9/23

Matthew’s Chance should be available on 9/23. If you’ve read my previous blog post about the release date, you’ll notice that’s a tiny adjustment to the original release date. I wanted to update so that if you’re watching for the book, you’ll know when to watch!

I’m so excited. I just love Matthew so much and I hope if you read the book, you’ll love him too. ;)

2 thoughts on “Update: Matthew’s Chance Coming 9/23

  1. jackie

    Dear, Odessa
    Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your books, especially Rh’hani Chronicles and Wolves Heat. I’m on countdown for Sept 23. I hope you are planning on a story for Rik? Also please more Rh’ani stories!

    1. Odessa Post author

      Thank you! It’s so nice of you to let me know you like those books. I have so many ideas for the Wolves’ Heat books that I’m afraid you’ll probably be sick of them before I run out of stories to tell. I hope not, but I can hardly believe this is book #4 coming out! As for the R’H’ani Chronicles, I’m really hoping to write more soon. The fellas have been talking to me. ;)

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