Update: Gerald’s Lot Will Be Coming 13th Instead of 8th

Sorry about the change up (really, really sorry!), but Gerald’s Lot will be coming the 13th instead of the 8th this month. Something’s come up that’s made it impossible for me to get the book out this week so I’ve picked the very next Monday, the 13th, for the revised release date.

I’ve only had to change an official release date for a book one other time as far as I can remember, but I’m going to have to do it.

I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience and I’ll be back to post book info soon. :)

Also, for some reason WordPress has decided not to send me email notices for comments anymore, so I’m sorry it took so long to approve the comments on the last post! I have no idea what that’s about but hopefully it will get fixed soon.

6 thoughts on “Update: Gerald’s Lot Will Be Coming 13th Instead of 8th

  1. Sherry

    Argh! Disappointed but appreciate the notice. Now I won’t be repeatedly checking Amazon and cussing them out at the same time.

  2. Evette

    Will a paperback be available? :) If you’re planning on doing hardbacks too please know I’d be interested to buy them. I’d love to have Wolves’ Heat series added to my bookshelf. :)

    1. Odessa Lynne Post author

      Yes, now that Gerald’s Lot is out, I’m going to get the paperback releases in order. I have a few to catch up but I’ll definitely be doing Gerald’s Lot. I’d love to do hardbacks, but it’s not in the plans just yet. Thanks so much for your interest though. I’ll definitely keep it in mind.

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