It’s official! Tuesday is the release date for It’s a Love Nest, a New Canton Republic short novella! It was supposed to be a short story, but it ended up as a seven chapter short novella (plus epilogue!), because of course that’s how it turned out when I revisited Gregory and Thrace. I love them so much that I couldn’t help myself. :D
Anyway, I’ll get the links up when they come in, and post a release notice as soon as it’s available.
How do you change a world? One nest at a time!
Odessa Lynne returns to the New Canton Republic in It’s a Love Nest with a tale of love and devotion—and all the trouble a family of monsters and magic-wielders can create.
Gregory and Thrace are in love, but Gregory sure isn’t in love with the idea of carrying a nest for his monstrous alien mate!
It’s a love that will change a world—if he’ll just say yes…