Tag Archives: Alien Mates

Of Humans and Mates is Available!

Since it’s late, I’m just going to say that the book is out and can be bought. :) Several stores appear to be taking their sweet time about getting the book live, but several already have the book available for purchase. Tomorrow I’ll update the site with the links to the books.
Of Humans and Mates

And if you happen to pick up a copy, thank you very much for reading my books!

Of Humans and Mates (New Canton Republic, Book 3)

At: Smashwords | Amazon (Kindle) | Barnes & Noble (Nook) | All Romance | Kobo [the whole series at Kobo] The whole series is available at all these stores and a few others besides.

Of Humans and Mates is the third book in the New Canton Republic trilogy.

Thousands of years haven’t been enough to bring an end to the conflict between humans and the aliens who share their world…

Colet doesn’t know why, but her desire for Kyle is beyond all reasoning and her determination to have him is beyond all thought. Kyle will be hers, even if she has to become Cole to have him…

The time’s coming for the ages old conflict between species to end and magic’s got just the plan to make it happen.

As usual: explicit sex, graphic language.

Of Mating and Monsters is available!

Of Mating and Monsters is finally available! I didn’t mean for this one to take quite so long, but I’m thrilled that it’s finally out there. I loved this story so much when I was writing it and I hope you enjoy it as well if you decide to pick up a copy.

Of Mating and Monsters by Odessa Lynne

Of Mating and Monsters (New Canton Republic #2)

Thousands of years hasn’t been enough to bring an end to the conflict between humans and the aliens who share their world. But the last of the old Canton Wars has brought a fragile peace and the New Canton Republic’s been holding steady for more than a hundred years.

Raymond is a monster of the human kind, driven mad by his magic, and it seems nothing can save him from his fate…

Then Raymond meets Dominay.

Dominay is one of the alien race the humans call monsters. Magic has brought the mating back to the monsters after thousands of years. But the mating is dangerous and madness is only one of the possible side-effects…

The time’s coming for the ages old conflict between species to end and magic’s got just the plan to make it happen.

Of Mating and Monsters is the second book in the New Canton Republic series, following Of Magic and Mating.

Magic and monsters don’t mix…until they do. The result could destroy their world…or give a monster his humanity back.

As usual, this story contains explicit sex and graphic language. Men have sex. Monstrous sex. Fabulous sex. Okay, lol, maybe that’s just wishful thinking, but I tried to make it good for them… Anyway, it’s romance for anyone who likes hot male/male loving, has a thing for mating (I do!), and loves the idea of a world with magic!

You can find links to buy here: Of Mating and Monsters

So excited! IAN’S CHOICE is available

Ian's Choice

Links are on the book’s main page!

A trade sized print edition will be available May 2013.

IAN’S CHOICE (a Wolves’ Heat novel)

Don’t run if you get caught unless you want claws in your spine and teeth in your neck and two hundred pounds of lust-crazed wolf on your back.

First contact between humans and the alien species they’ve nicknamed “wolves” couldn’t have been more tranquil. The wolves shared their superior technology and knowledge in exchange for a new home, and thousands of wolves abandoned their aging spacefaring ships to settle in Earth’s forested mountain regions.

But the wolves held some secrets too close and humanity has begun paying the price.

Once every three years, humans become sexual prey to a species that has no control over the urge to mate because of an unexpected and devastating attraction to human scent.

Heat season has arrived and a pack of wolves are bearing down on Ian.

His only choice, when he’s rescued by an Alpha drawn in by his scent: Submit or die…

This story contains explicit sex, graphic language, and sexual situations that some people might find offensive.

There’s Alpha style romance and probably too many instances of the word “fuck” and “shit.” Ah, well. I enjoyed writing this world so much.

As my longest published novel to date, the story has a nice depth to it. Ian is the exclusive viewpoint character in the book, though, and for me, that’s different. I have no idea what happened with that, but Ian wanted this to be about him and him alone apparently! I think it has set the precedent for the series though so expect more (human) single viewpoint books in Wolves’ Heat. I think it gives a certain mysterious quality to the alien nature of the wolves in this universe and keeps the emphasis on humanity’s uncertainty when dealing with them.

Of Magic and Mating Is Available

Of Magic and Mating book coverThousands of years hasn’t been enough to bring an end to the conflict between humans and the aliens who share their world. But the last of the old Canton Wars has brought a fragile peace and the New Canton Republic’s been holding steady for more than a hundred years.

Then Thrace meets Gregory.

The time’s coming for the ages old conflict between species to end and magic’s got just the plan to make it happen.

Of Magic and Mating is the first book in the New Canton Republic Trilogy, from the author of The King’s Guard.

Magic and monsters don’t mix … until they do. The result is amazing sex … and a love that could change a world.

This book contains explicit sex and language. Male/Male Sexual Content.

Details here: Of Magic and Mating by Odessa Lynne