I’m getting excited! My next book is just about ready and I’ll be putting up a description and cover soon. Just a few more weeks! :D Mason’s Regret, of course. ;)
Summer is on its way out finally, and I’m so looking forward to having more time to write!
Yay! Thank you for the update.
So excited!
Any news about the book? Like… is it coming out this week? ;P
I wish it had. :-) Sorry! I’m a little behind but I’m really trying to get it out before the end of the month if at all possible.
Thanks! I hope you succeed, I cannot wait read it. <3 I finished my re-read of the series last week.
Hoe is it going with Mason?
I’m a little behind but pushing to get it out before the end of the month if at all possible!
Looking forward to it
Happy weekend! Any news about the book? =)
Happy weekend to you too! I’m hoping for a release next week. I’ll know by Sunday if it’s going to happen and I’ll be posting an update Monday either way. :)