I’m so excited to finally have a (one of the) New Canton Republic short stories just about ready to go. :D
Here’s the thing. I originally set out to write a certain short story, but it didn’t cooperate. It became a longer short story, and I kept having to hold it back because I wanted a short story, dammit. But then I realized I was deluding myself. It wasn’t going to be a short story.
It’ll probably end up a novella, but I’m still unsure about that. :D I had to set it aside because I really wanted to write a New Canton Republic short story!
So I started another short story in the series and that’s the one I’m talking about now. :D
Get ready to revisit Gregory and Thrace from Of Magic and Mating in It’s a Love Nest! I’m just so excited for this one, and I hope you will be, too! :D