Category Archives: News

Exciting News about Mage in Love!

Mage in Love is becoming a trilogy! The first book, Sparks, will be coming soon. (I don’t have the new pages set up yet, but that’s coming soon, too!)

With Kindle Vella closing, I’ve had to adjust my plans, but the story will continue on Laterpress until Sparks is released in book format on Kindle and elsewhere.

By making it a trilogy, I’ll get to tell this story the way I always planned to, as an adventure for Jihu, Gaeru, and the rest—full of magic, humor, and romance, while the mysterious connections to the New Canton Republic universe grow stronger with each book.

(This does mean that the serialized version on Laterpress will end at the end of book one, Sparks, and the only way to get the next book of the series will be in book format. But it’ll end on chapter 41 since chapter one was a free preview, which means all chapters will be delivered to anyone who bought a chapter bundle!)

And if you’ve been waiting for a book release to start this one, this’ll be your chance to jump into the story!

I’ll post more updates on Sparks and the Mage in Love Trilogy when I have more news to share. :)

Mason and Five Sneak Around (a.k.a. Marcus and Hawk Kiss and Tell) Is Almost Here!

I’m checking everything one final time and starting the upload process for Mason and Five Sneak Around (a.k.a. Marcus and Hawk Kiss and Tell) tonight!

I’ll post the announcement as soon as the book goes live. :)

I’m looking forward to publishing this one. It was so much fun to write, and yeah, it’s crazy that the main characters from one of my longest books needed another story, but here you go anyway, because they absolutely did. ;D (Sorry, Mason’s Regret, but Will’s Hope has you beat for the number one spot there in my list of longest books!)

Book cover image of hazy winter forest for Mason and Five Sneak Around (a.k.a. Marcus and Hawk Kiss and Tell) (A Wolves' Heat Story) by Odessa Lynne

New Wolves’ Heat Story on the Way!

I’m just days away from releasing Mason and Five Sneak Around (a.k.a. Marcus and Hawk Kiss and Tell). It’s volume 3 in the Wolves’ Heat Stories series tied to the Wolves’ Heat novels.

I’m so excited to be able to get it out finally, since I feel like I’ve been planning it forever. It’s a companion story to the main series, like Devon and Kem Under the Mistletoe and Cam and Rick Play Dirty, but it came in quite a bit longer. This one is a short novella. I love it! I hope you will, too.

You Can Still Use Your Remaining Kindle Vella Tokens to Read Mage in Love!

This is from Amazon’s latest message about Kindle Vella:

You can continue to use any remaining tokens to read published stories and episodes until the program winds down. All the stories and episodes you have read or unlocked with tokens will remain available in your library in the free Kindle app on iOS and Android after the program closes.

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Coming this week! It’s a Love Nest

It’s official! Tuesday is the release date for It’s a Love Nest, a New Canton Republic short novella! It was supposed to be a short story, but it ended up as a seven chapter short novella (plus epilogue!), because of course that’s how it turned out when I revisited Gregory and Thrace. I love them so much that I couldn’t help myself. :D

Anyway, I’ll get the links up when they come in, and post a release notice as soon as it’s available.

How do you change a world? One nest at a time!

Odessa Lynne returns to the New Canton Republic in It’s a Love Nest with a tale of love and devotion—and all the trouble a family of monsters and magic-wielders can create.

Gregory and Thrace are in love, but Gregory sure isn’t in love with the idea of carrying a nest for his monstrous alien mate!

It’s a love that will change a world—if he’ll just say yes…

Kindle Vella’s closure and Mage in Love

So, the news came down today that Kindle Vella is winding down. I’d been afraid of this for a while, but I do think it’s sad that it’s finally happening.

Kindle Vella might be ending, but Jihu and Gaeru’s story isn’t!

However, Mage in Love episodes/chapters are also available from me at Laterpress, so the story’s still available and will be finished!

I’ll be giving some thought over the next few weeks how I want to handle the story going forward, and if I want to continue it as an ongoing story on Laterpress for subscribers and for sale in chapter bundle groups, or if I should just break the story up into volumes, for sale at all the usual places as an ongoing ebook series, much like the Hend & Yurt series and the R’H’ani Chronicles are published. It’ll be a long one and I know that, because it was always conceptualized as a serial story, so publishing in volumes seems like the only way to go if I want to put it up as an ebook.

The last day to add new episodes on the Vella platform is December 4, and I still plan to add some new chapters before then, so I’ll be posting them to Vella, certainly.

This is also a good time to mention that you can still read the first ten chapters for free on Vella at the moment, and then if you have any tokens left, you can use them to read the rest of the chapters currently available! :) Happy reading!

New episode of Mage in Love is out now!

Mage in Love has an update this week! Episode 36: “Associates” is a Gaeru episode, and it’s available now. :)

Finally some more Gaeru, huh? :D He’s been wondering why he’s getting so little time telling his side of the story, so Jihu stepped aside and let him have his say! ;)

Just hit the book page for Mage in Love and you’ll find the usual links!

Last Few Days of the 2024 Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale!

Most of my books excluding the newest releases are half price in the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale. The month is ending soon, so if you’ve had a series or a book you wanted to try out that you haven’t gotten to yet, this is your chance to GET IT WHILE IT’S ON SALE!

Have some summer reading, or stockpile them for the winter. :D

The sale ends at the end of the month, and that’s only a few days away now! :)

New Mage in Love Episodes 34: “Everyone?” & 35: “Told you so” Are Available Now!

Here are a couple of new episodes for Mage in Love this week!

Episode 34: “Everyone?” and 35: “Told you so” are both available to read now on Laterpress and on Kindle Vella.

In “Everyone?” and “Told you so,” someone gets called out and someone gets a little shy?

I really can’t say more. :D At this point, all teasers are possible spoilers!

Read on Laterpress | Read on Kindle Vella

In Mage in Love, Jihu makes a bargain with crafty (but hot) Gaeru to escape death. One bad decision leads to another and, soon, Jihu has only himself to blame for the trouble that follows…

Mage in Love is a tie-in story for the New Canton Republic series.

New Mage in Love Episode 33: “No choice” Is Available Now!

Here’s the third of the three new episodes of Mage in Love I promised this week!

Episode 33: “No choice” is available to read now on Laterpress and should be available soon on Kindle Vella.

In “No choice,” Taeom is back! :)

For Kindle Vella readers, if you want to read the episode right away, you’ll need to get the chapter bundles (or annual subscription) through Laterpress.

Read on Laterpress | Read on Kindle Vella

In Mage in Love, Jihu makes a bargain with crafty (but hot) Gaeru to escape death. One bad decision leads to another and, soon, Jihu has only himself to blame for the trouble that follows…

Mage in Love is a tie-in story for the New Canton Republic series.