I don’t have the exact date settled for the release of Cam’s Fortune, but it is coming out this month. November. Only a few months after I’d hoped to have it ready but… I can’t regret it because I’ve loved writing this book! Cam is another favorite and I can’t believe how many imaginary people I’m now in love with. ;)
It’s only going to get worse, because I already love Gerald and Luis and Egan and Mason and Olly and Reed and Ethan and so many others and most of those stories are just floaters in my eye. But hey, if you want me to stop writing these books, send me twenty million USD in big bills and I’ll think about it (while I write the next book). ;) Otherwise, I’m just going to keep writing. There are so many stories left to tell in this world!
All joking aside, I’m very sorry if you prefer books that aren’t an integral part of a larger series, because I don’t think I can write those kinds of books.
This doesn’t even feel long enough to be a post. :o Here it is anyway!
The Wolves and New Canton books are auto-buys for me. Both series are extremely well written (and hey, I’m a former editor) and always worth the wait. Keep writing and I’ll keep buying and reading (over and over)!
Thank you! What a sweet thing to say! :)
First off, I loooove this series! <3 Second, thanks for the update! I've been waiting for this. :D And I like when authors keep readers updated of how things are going or if they cannot write and all that. Sadly, not everyone does that.
By the way, what happened with the book Gay for You? Is it going to be released this year? Just curious.
Thank you! I’m really glad to hear you enjoy the series. :)
Gay for You will probably have a different title—Gay for Alex or maybe something else—but yes, it’s still in the works. Dayton is harder to handle than I thought he’d be so it’s taking a while. I can’t say for sure when it’ll be ready, but it’s definitely coming.
I’m so excited Cam’s Fortune is coming soon! Woohoo! I’m glad you plan to write more books for this series. I love this series.
I’m glad you like the series. :) It’s fabulous knowing someone besides me likes my stories. And yes, I will be writing more, until I’m sure everyone but me will be sick of them. Sorry in advance, lol. ;)
Soooo forever.
Maybe not. I don’t think I’ll be allowed to live that long. :)