Available now! Cam and Rick Play Dirty (a.k.a. Bel and Reed’s Long Night)

Book cover image for Cam and Rick Play Dirty (a.k.a. Bel and Reed's Long Night) with trees under a bright sky

I have a new Wolves’ Heat short story out and you can get it now!

This story takes place shortly after Cam’s Fortune. I loved getting a chance to go back and fill in some details in Cam’s story.

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In Cam and Rick Play Dirty (a.k.a. Bel and Reed’s Long Night), revisit some of my favorites from Cam’s Fortune!

Cam has unfinished business. Rick is willing to help. Return to the early days of Cam’s life with his new mate in this Wolves’ Heat short story, where this alpha male has something to teach his alpha mate…

A Wolves’ Heat short story.

If you pick up a copy, I really hope you enjoy reading it! And you also have my sincere thanks! Every sale helps me write more books! :)

What buy from me means:

You can buy the story from me through Laterpress, where you can read online, and/or download the ebook in epub format.

You can buy access to this story only, or subscribe to my author collection and get everything I write as part of an annual subscription that supports my writing.

However you choose to get a copy, if you do, thank you so much for reading! :)